Shariiing supports the use of data for performance in top-level sport
Shariiing is the collaborative platform selected by the University of Bordeaux to be used in the future SMART (Sport Movement Ambition Research Technology) connected gym. 4200m² dedicated to the practice and study of sport and human motor performance will be built in the heart of the Pessac campus.
This new training and research space will propose to improve the aggregation and analysis of sports data to establish cognitive training targeting motor performance. Shariiing will be at the heart of specific work areas that will allow performance players (technical team and athletes) to gather around the data collected in the gym and make more informed decisions.

A POC to define the needs of professionals and athletes
The SMART POC (Proof of Concept) was carried out in order to define the premises of this ambitious project aimed at accelerating the use of data in sports performance issues. This step, which brought together the project’s stakeholders in an iterative way, allowed to validate the technical feasibility and to create the solid foundations of the project, including the notions of usability and human factors.
The SMART POC aimed to evaluate the technical and functional capacity of Shariiing to aggregate and analyze this data. The project allowed the Immersion team, editor of the Shariiing solution, to connect its platform to the Peac²h platform developed by the Catie (the New Aquitaine Digital Technology Center). This interface between the two platforms will allow to retrieve and share the data considered relevant in the heart of multidisciplinary work sessions. Users will be able to interact and analyze this data in an intuitive way to develop their future strategies. The recording of the work sessions will allow to follow up on the decisions taken, their implementation and to implement iterative procedures to evaluate their repercussions on the field.

Shariiing at the service of sports
The SMART POC lasted 12 months, during which a study of the needs was carried out with the major clubs (Girondins de Bordeaux – women’s soccer team; UBB – rugby; Boxers de Bordeaux – ice hockey) and experimentations at the Immersion Showroom. These actions led to the implementation of a model integrating all the data, then to the implementation of prototypes supported by the Shariiing platform. A test on this datavisualization with end-users brought constructive feedback for a future sustainable development.
The parallelism, made possible by Shariiing, of the training videos or of the business analysis software is a real asset for the users we met. Shariiing was well taken in hand and a strong projection in the use. Some areas of improvement were noted but overall the exchanges promise a bright future for the future connected gym!

Shariiing, accelerating the performance of athletes
Through these meetings and this study, the field of sports and motor performance has confirmed its appetite for using new digital interfaces. This field has a lot of data and faces many challenges in using it.
The implementation of Shariiing in this connected gym will help the teams that accompany the athletes to
– make informed decisions about their team;
– Define with the player the axes of work from the observations made.
The SMART project is launched. A future work space around Shariiing is under study. The SMART connected gym, an environment conducive to innovation will be created as imagined by its initiator, Julien Morlier, professor at the University of Bordeaux.